To Roxy Staff:
I would like to suggest a Google AdWords campaign for your company. Here I outlined and analyzed the current situation of your company and what online advertising especially Google AdWords could do for your company. Thanks so much for your time and you’re very welcome to provide your suggestions to make improvements on this campaign.
Lu Zhang
Roxy – Google AdWords Campaign Brief
Current Situation:
Roxy has been a brand mainly targeting young people and their niche marketing includes surfing, snowboarding, swimwear or some other extreme sports, in which they face a tough competition with other brands that sell similar products. Roxy has been trying to create their brand image as “fun and alive, naturally beautiful, daring and confident”.
Considering that the main demographic for Roxy are youth, the group of people who drive social media actively, I highly agree that it’s a smart strategy for Roxy to make huge efforts on social media. And actually Roxy has been so successful in that department. It built its
Facebook page with 1.9 million followers. Their
Youtube channel has also been updating frequently and has nearly 10 thousand subscribers.
Campaign Proposal:
Roxy has utilized those free social networks to their full potential and they should keep maintaining this positive relationship with its targeting consumers on social media. And here I would suggest that Roxy spend a small percentage of budgets into Google AdWords, which could act as their SEM (social engine marketing) campaign to achieve a high presence online through online advertising.
Benefits of Google AdWords:
The great advantage of Google Adwords is that by combing your ads with some specific key words or phrases, your ads could only be displayed to people who already have a big potential to be interested in your product or service. Moreover, you just need to pay for those who click the ad. This PPC (pay per click) model would guarantee you a high ROI (return on investment). Google Adwords is special because you could choose when and where your ads would appear and you also have a control on your investment as there’s no minimal investment.
Keywords Suggestion:
To help determine the keywords which could represent the company and describe the products they offer, Google AdWords provides a free
keyword tool. Based on a consideration of both the frequency of being searched and the strength of competence for that word, I would suggest keywords like surfing, snowboard, swimwear and X-sports for Roxy.
Sample Ad Copy:
The ad copy could be “Find your Roxy-style suit for surfing, snowboarding, swimwear and X-sports!” or "Wear like a Roxy girl: surfing, snowboarding, swimwear and X-sports."
Measure Effectiveness:
To measure the effectiveness of Google Adwords, Roxy could use Google Analytics, which could provide information and data of the website traffic and the related marketing campaign. We could analyze those different keywords and find out which keywords attract most traffic to the site and which keywords are expensive and ineffective, accordingly we could adjust our campaign. Also, the CTR (click through rate) of each keyword is an important parameter to measure.